• Helps students in their academic advancement by organising crash courses, lecture series and discussions.

  • Lets people express their artistic side, from painting and writing to making music.

  • Lets students discover each other's cultures and celebrates our diversity.

  • Checks whether the statutes are being followed and finances are in order and mediates in disputes.

  • So many things happen every day and you would not want to miss any of it! This committee holds onto the legacy of Sumerians 🙂 .    

  • Organises all kinds of parties, drinks and the gala.

  • Organises all kinds of fun activities to interconnect LAS students.

  • Organises study trips in and outside the Netherlands, from Amsterdam to Naples.

  • Crafts a memorable yearbook for students to look back on the highlights of the academic year.


If you want more information about the committees of Extra Muros in general, please check out our FAQ.

Join Committee

Registration for committees opens at the beginning of the academic year. Under certain conditions it is also possible to join during the year.
Send an email to president@extramuros.nl if you are interested