Besides all our academic activities, it is very important to truly connect with each other. True social interaction can only happen with a certain percentage of alcohol in the blood. When our bodies are slightly warmed up and our tongue is loosened, we can find true friends, joy, and love. Help yourself and let us help you make your year memorable with exhilarating music and dance at Tilburg’s finest places!

This committee will also provide you with the highlight of the year: the annual Extra Muros Gala! A grand celebration of our association where you can present yourself at your finest!

Become part of the committee!

Events of the Social Party Committee are fun, but behind the scenes a lot of discussing and planning is taking place. As a committee member, you’ll learn valuable skills such as working together in a close team, organising, and managing budgets. You’ll help organising events as the gala, but also have the opportunity to present and organise your own ideas. Join the Social Party Committee and show your fellow students what having a good time means!


Hania Hinc & Filip Bogacz