Caution: this is a past event. For an overview of our upcoming events, please check our calendar.
For the upcoming semester two new committees have been (re-)established. Learn more about them and apply here!
PR Committee
Are you interested in helping our PR Sophie with some tasks? We am looking for motivated students who want to form a small committee in the upcoming semester. The tasks include making acquisitions, writing for our newly established Extra Muros Magazine, organizing collaborations with other organizations and managing our website/Facebook/LinkedIn. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to text Sophie or send her an email to
Alumni Committee
The alumni committee is looking for members that want to help organize events for Liberal Arts and Sciences graduates. The aim of this newly founded committee is to give alumni the opportunity to return to their LAS-roots and potentially for current LAS students to get in contact with alumni. The committee aims to do this by organizing an event where we welcome alumni back to their LAS roots. For this mission, we are looking for current Extra Muros members which would like to help give this aforementioned event and committee form. If you have any questions or would like to know more, feel free to e-mail: or send a message to Laura + 31 612235574.