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May 16, 2024
7:00 pm
Open for everyone
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Join this Conversation with the Author of ‘Once Upon a Time in Australia’ and learn how the graphic novel medium was used to unsettle questions of law and truth.

“In 2021, an historical rape allegation against the Australia’s Attorney-General, the rape of a staffer inside Parliament, and the sexual harassment of staff by a High Court Justice ignited the #metoo movement in Australia. The writers of ‘Once Upon a Time in Australia’ are teachers and students at the ANU College of Law and felt compelled to act, particularly in light of the bureaucratic approaches of the University. The result was a graphic novel, which moved the conversation about the tension between Law and Truth, to broader questions in social movements, linking the intersection of gender violence, to colonisation, climate change, and capitalism.

This Night Talk will explore the themes of the novel, the creative process itself, and the broader interconnections between law and the creative arts.  With this year’s Witteveen Fellow in Law and Humanities from Australian National University, Sarouche Razi and Associate Professor of Law and Humanities  Michiel Bot.”

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