Caution: this is a past event. For an overview of our upcoming events, please check our calendar.
April 16, 2023
12:00 am
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For the yearbook of 22-23, we would like to introduce something new! Do you like to express yourself with words or through art? We are curious to see that! Therefore, we have organized a competition with the theme ‘Light & Shadows‘. You can send in whatever you want, (e.g. poem/drawing/column/photo/painting), as long as it is within the theme and maximum 1 page or you can take a photo of your art object. The best entries will have a place in the yearbook for everyone to see! And specially for you, the creative committee will organize some events to get you started. They will also be the judges together with the yearbook committee. The competition starts today, so you can now send your creations to We wish you all good luck and are excited to see your entries!

If you have any questions about the competition send them to

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