
Hey! Did we write something you do not agree with? We are open to criticism, so feel free to contact us. However, we would rather hear some positive feedback for our silly little mental health so fan letters are also much appreciated! If you have any concerns or questions to us, please do not hesitate to write an email to this address and we will get back to you within 8 working days.

Also if you would like to activate your inner journalist, check out our submission page!


Are you burning with passion to share your ideas and create content for people to enjoy? Then here is your opportunity! Our newspaper is also open to submissions from enthusiastic students who would like to participate in our work! Just send us your work in an email with the column you would like it to be posted under. 

At The Common Room there are no wrong or boring topics! We are interested in all your crazy ideas and rants. So feel free to write about any topic of your interest. 

Contact Form

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